2004/08/21 03:07:32 PDT by mystik3eb [0/43] |
I thought the only boat that could get across the sea was the Epsilion...?
2004/08/21 03:07:32 PDT by mystik3eb [0/43] |
I thought the only boat that could get across the sea was the Epsilion...?
2004/08/22 15:52:12 PDT by Dev [manager] |
Uhm. If you want to get technical about it, there's a "Great Current" that separates the Titan Continent and Kay Pacha, and yes, Epsilon is the only sea-going vessel to be able to cross it. But the destination of Aequus and the Eastern Wake after Chapter 23 is Io, which is perfectly accessible by oceanic means.
2004/08/23 06:58:15 PDT by Temporal [manager] |
Oh yeah. Io was moved... it used to be on Kay Pacha, didn't it?
2004/08/23 15:09:11 PDT by mystik3eb [0/43] |
Yea, that's what I thought until I read the Io node...I don't remember this change happening, haha.
2004/08/23 20:00:35 PDT by Dev [manager] |
Mmmmnnn.... ::thinks:: ... no. No, I'm pretty sure Io's always been listed under the Titan Continent.
2004/08/24 06:29:20 PDT by mystik3eb [0/43] |
I don't, I think we were just stuck on the idea that Io was part of Kay Pacha before v4 went up and weren't paying attention when Dev wrote it up under the Titan Continent node. Does that sound right? Cuz I think that's the case for me. And while reading the storyline, it keeps the reader under the impression that Io is in fact on Kay Pacha...
Anyways, I guess this is done...haha
2004/08/25 06:49:10 PDT by mystik3eb [0/43] |
Now that's a link I've been looking for recently...but how old is that map? I sorta remember seeing it, but sorta don't...I honestly don't remember seeing Io on a seperate island...
...maybe Temp's right, maybe I am stupid o_O
So I guess...yea, ok, so the current doesn't go in between Io and Titan Continent, so it wouldn't be a problem for our heroes to get there.
Anything worth typing about this subject to not make it a waste of time?...Guess not.
2004/08/25 12:03:43 PDT by Temporal [manager] |
I'm pretty sure my original misconception about Io's location was built before it was on any map, when I first read about it in the story outlines.