Fate of Io
Archived files organized and online
Posted by Dev at 2004/02/01 22:38:35 PST
Edited by Temporal at 2005/01/22 05:06:02 PST

We've finally arranged our older submissions into a useful hierarchy and added links to each respective node. If you like, you can browse all of the archived submissions by starting from http://www.fateofio.org/old2/.

URL changed because crazy people were using Google image searches to find our images and embed them in their web pages, stealing our bandwidth. New URL is not searchable.

Archived submissions include material that has become official, material that hasn't, and outdated concepts. If you plan on using an archived document as the basis of a new submission, ask first. We like seeing concepts get refined amongst all our artists, and we encourage that, but it would suck if you worked hard on something only to find out that we no longer have any use for it.

Also: most of the files begin with the name (alias) of the original contributor, though we don't have everyone. If you know who submitted a file and their name is not marked, or if you see a mistake, please let us know (go ahead and respond to this news thread below).

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