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Beep when someone:
Speaks Joins Leaves Goes away Returns
Types "/beep"
Weekly meetings take place on Saturdays at 1 PM Pacific Time (4 PM Eastern, 9 PM UK). Everyone is invited.
Chat commands:
/me - Like in IRC.
/away - Sets you away. Type a message after "/away" to set it as your away message (optional).
/back - Sets you back from away.
/beep - With no parameter, causes a sound to be played to everyone who has the first checkbox checked. If you specify a username after "/beep", it will cause a sound to be played just to that user, and only if they have the second box checked.
/roll - Have the server choose a random number between 1 and the number you specify. For example, "/roll 20".
/tell - Send a message to a specific person. Follow the /tell with the name of the receiver, then your message. (If the receiver's name has a space in it, do not type the space.) For example, "/tell Temporal What's up?". /tells will only be visible to you and the receiver. Please note that /tells are logged, and administrators will be able to see all /tells in the log to prevent abuse.