[13:54:46] Administrator left.
[13:57:38] Administrator joined.
[13:57:57] Administrator: http://fateofio.org/hello
[13:59:06] Administrator left.
[13:59:07] Administrator joined.
[13:59:14] Administrator: http://fateofio.org/hello
[13:59:59] Administrator left.
[13:59:59] Administrator joined.
[14:00:07] Administrator: http://fateofio.org/hello
[14:00:22] Administrator: arrgghhh
[14:01:09] Administrator: http://fateofio.org/hello
[14:03:29] Administrator left.
[14:03:30] Administrator joined.
[14:03:37] Administrator: http://blah
[14:04:21] Administrator: ... oh. I'm stupid. ::thwack::
[14:04:38] Temporal left.
[14:04:48] Temporal joined.
[14:04:51] Administrator: http://blah
[14:04:58] Administrator: yeah, it works
[14:05:12] Administrator: http://"evil
[14:13:41] Administrator left.
[14:28:16] Temporal went away: Sleeping!
[18:45:52] Morpheus joined.
[18:45:56] Morpheus left.
[18:53:27] Morpheus joined.
[18:53:39] Morpheus: wow... something tells me I'll be reading this in the logs
[18:53:45] Morpheus waves to himself reading the log
[20:42:06] Kass joined.
[20:42:17] Kass: Hi.
[20:42:19] Kass beeped.
[20:42:49] Kass: moo[\i]
[20:42:53] Kass: ... Hm.
[20:43:00] Kass: moo?
[20:43:04] Kass: moo?
[20:43:10] Kass: http://www.google.com/
[20:43:21] Kass: Iiiinteresting.
[20:44:00] Morpheus left.
[20:44:10] Kass: aaabbbcccddd
[20:44:20] Kass: Aww.
[20:45:15] Kass: Just an FYI... the HTML tags are working in the chat room, but they don't show up on the logs.
[20:45:28] Kass: http://blah
[20:46:49] Kass: []
[20:47:01] Kass: [b]
[20:49:24] Kass: ... um. Okay. Don't kill me. But... how about a search feature.
[20:49:47] Kass: Because I just spent two minutes hunting for the post where I know you talked about the escape sequence and I can't find it. -_-
[20:50:37] Kass: Uh... and I just noticed something else that you should remind me about and hopefully I'll remember what I saw. -_-
[20:51:11] Kass: Aaanyway... nice that you made it so that HTML doesn't carry over to the next line, regardless.
[20:51:42] Kass: http://"evil
[20:53:04] Kass: Neato. Okay.
[20:53:09] Kass waves buhbye.
[20:53:17] Kass left.
[21:30:29] mystik3eb joined.
[21:30:42] mystik3eb left.