Fate of Io
Old Data
2002/11/01 08:02:02 PST by Alex [0/0]

Location: SERRIBIS
Type: City / Town
Dominion: Titan Provinces
Population: 148,300
Pronunciation: (su-RIB-iss)

Before Pylos began the extraction of Pylocite from the area, Serribis was little more than a collection of Trader's Guilds and bazaars. Since the advent of Pylocite mining, and the construction of Pylos Beta just north of the Pylos River, the shipping trade has grown to accommodate for the new export. Related industries also grew, such as processing plants and refineries, so that refined ore could be shipped straight to Pylos' factories in Titan City. Serribis has expanded to cover both banks of the river, with many bridges within the city to promote trade.

The city's main population is low-class at best. Crime and poverty are widespread in the slums. The people are so poor that they cannot make a living outside the shadow of Pylos' industry. It is here, in Serribis, where the divide between the classes is most apparent.

The Continental Military makes it's home at the east edge of the town. The barracks and training grounds are located just inside the city walls. The Military is outfitted with the latest technology, proudly sponsored by Pylos Mining Inc.


On the southern edge of the mouth of the Pylos River (after which Pylos is named) lies Serribis. The place was originally a collection of trading guilds and an occasional bazaar. Since the introduction of Pylos Beta, however, the development of the young city boomed. Ore production brought the need for refinement centers and factories. Serribis is Pylos' main provider of materials outside Titan City.

On the west coast of the continent, the city's main permanent population is low-class at best. The ghettos are rampant with crime and poverty; the citizens are too poor to make a living anywhere but the dark shadows of Serribis' industry.

The Continental Military also makes its home just across the Pylos River. Its training center and main armory and barracks were built with the best technology, proudly sponsored by Pylos.

NOTE: This text may be removed when a description is posted in the node itself. This is just for Fang's copy-and-paste convenience.

2002/11/12 19:35:38 PST by Alex [0/0]

Location: PYLOS BETA (inside Serribis)

The second large-scale mining facility to be built by Pylos sits on a tall plateau, overlooking the surrounding canyon system in which sits nearby Serribis. Unlike all the other Pylos mining stations, construction of the mines beneath Beta is complete at gameplay, and mining production has begun there.

(I still think this should be a sub-node.)

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