2003/07/31 16:18:23 PDT by Davy boy2000b [0/13] |
I understand the 'world' and the 'locations' are all one field.
The way this works, is not what this topic is far. What this topic is for, is for discussing how the load screens (if any) will appear.
Some egs:
Turok on GC has the mission briefing in a small text paragraph on top of the mission settings image with a rotating Turok axe weapon in the corner.
silver on PC and Dreamcast, has the Silver logo and a animated sword (details I forget).
Or...alot of games these days don't even have load screens, but if the world will be on one entire plain, there have got to be long load times, so we need something to keep our gamers amused and not p*ssed off.
A solution would probably be to have a certain radius around the gamer constantly generated, but I haven't a clue any mroe what is going on.
This topic is to keep things moving, if not anything else.
Comment anyway...