2006/10/15 17:18:24 PDT by Davy boy2000b [0/13] |
I see in another topic that you're doing a game design degree, I have always wanted to go into games design but until recently didn't know such degrees exist.
As I understand it they're quite new and so need some 'inside' information on what they entail, how much is technical and how much is creative. I can't find your email address any where. I'm sure I used to have you added to my MSN but only have you on AIM.
Please either drop me a message on here of your email ad or send me an email to [DavH twenty seven at hotmail dot com] now obviously those numbers are actual figures and the at in an @.
Please as soon as possible as I don't know wether to take a Maths AS level or Art & Design First Year Diploma for the run up to the actual degree application. (They run for a year which I can pass just before uni.)
Thanks In advance!
Ok nevermindm I found him. I could have sworn his email wasn't in his profile before... How strange.
Ok nevermind I found him. I could have sworn his email wasn't in his profile before... How strange.