2003/02/07 13:38:20 PST by mystik3eb [0/43] |
Here's a thread for people to announce when they have b-days or to say Happy B-day to someone else. I'll start on today, my b-day! I'm 17 baby! hehe
2003/02/07 13:38:20 PST by mystik3eb [0/43] |
Here's a thread for people to announce when they have b-days or to say Happy B-day to someone else. I'll start on today, my b-day! I'm 17 baby! hehe
2003/02/07 16:14:14 PST by Captain Smallet [0/0] |
Happy B-day to ya
2003/02/08 00:25:16 PST by Dev [manager] |
Dang mystik! You're gettin' old! Happy birthday, dude. ;D
Meanwhile, Fate of Io itself turns two in a week or so!
2003/02/09 15:28:27 PST by Morpheus [0/5] |
Tis my birthday tomorrow morning (the 10th!) Good timing on bringing it up Mystik! Happy birthday to you, and as well, mine is also my 17th :) congrats to you!
2003/02/10 15:56:33 PST by mystik3eb [0/43] |
Haha, 17 ain't THAT old, specially to you Dev. What day is FoI's day?
Happy b-day youngin'...I mean, Morphy ;). You born in an awesome month man! Also happy b-day to Psycho, a recent addition who hasn't posted anything yet, but a real cool guy (and a bright programmer, check him out Temp, he's real smart and real fast with that stuff, and I'm talking c++), and his b-day was saturday, day after mine.
BTW, I probably already said this, but Feb 7th is Aeris' b-day, did you know that? It's pretty cool.
2003/02/11 03:45:59 PST by Morpheus [0/5] |
Febuary seems to be the popular month for us, and 17 is not old :) So what all did all of these birthday people get? My favorite present was the precision tools, I got for workin on computers :) Otherwise they were just normal presents. Oh, and just what day is b-day 2 for foi?
2003/02/12 14:48:10 PST by Black Squall [0/5] |
Happy late B-Day ^_^;. Sorry it's late I usually get here everday to see whats up and if theres anything new going on but I've been swamped these past couple of weeks.
2003/02/13 06:23:44 PST by Morpheus [0/5] |
hey that is ok, beats most of my friends who still don't know it was my birthday, thanks a lot.
2003/03/13 08:26:32 PST by jewelss160 [0/0] |
Well, just to kinda revive this thread...maybe...I'm 17 today! Woo!
2003/03/13 15:28:07 PST by DarkCloud [0/0] |
Happy B-Day Jewels ^_^
2003/03/14 03:30:49 PST by Morpheus [0/5] |
Happy b-day jewels, 17 seems to be a popular one this year, welcome to the age of 17 :)
2003/03/15 17:05:16 PST by Morpheus [0/5] |
damn right! :>
2003/03/16 12:50:59 PST by Aetrus [0/15] |
86? haha try 81!
The year of the king! HAIL TO THE KING, BABY!!