Fate of Io
2003/06/06 09:38:21 PDT by Black Squall [0/5]

In case any of you were wondering where I've been (no I didn't stop showing up becuase I decided to leave the project becuase I'm not leaving the project)I decided I need a little bit of that thing called real life being an AO addict and an active member at about 10 different very large message boards; I took some time away from everything that seemed to be occupying the majority of my time. That would be anything that wasn't productive towards my real life views, social asspects, goals and things like that. I am not intending to spend hours upon hours at my computer any more like I used to, although that may change as I fall back into my hobbies and habbits.

Just letting everyone know that I am back and wondering where the quick link is so I don't have to read 10 gagillion long posts and spend hours upon hours here just catching up. Any summary of what's been going on since early this year would be really nice and greatly apreciated.

2003/06/06 12:34:37 PDT by mystik3eb [0/43]
[mystik3eb's avatar]

...nothing? Well, some gameplay, Rheya, and Story->Plot development. Not much serious stuff happening. WB, sorry to say I didn't really notice you were gone. But that's because things really were quiet for a while, and still are.

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