2002/11/14 02:59:30 PST by Davy boy2000b [0/13] |
Is this enabled? It should be ...
2002/11/14 07:02:59 PST by Temporal [manager] |
It's in the database... but I haven't created the controls yet. But I don't see it as a very important feature.
2002/11/14 16:52:23 PST by nataku [0/19] |
how about deleting posts?
2002/11/14 18:25:37 PST by Alex [0/0] Edited at 2002/11/15 07:45:49 PST |
I honestly believe that the one feature v4PM needs most is the ability to turn every character in a post a random color! Won't that be fun!
In other words, [TAG] parsing just somehow stopped working for me.
EDIT: All those color tags work now. Good. But they didn't parse until I edited the message. Nice caching.
2002/11/14 22:17:39 PST by Temporal [manager] Edited at 2002/11/14 22:38:37 PST |
*sigh* Yep, I introduced yet another bug while fixing yet another bug. Tags with parameters are now broken. Will fix shortly...
(EDIT: Fixed)