For the last 15 or so hours, anyone posting or editing posts on the first page of any topic/news/task/submission has been greeted with a nice, shiney error page. The posts still went through, just gave an error. Sorry, guys, this was my fault -- In fixing one bug yesterday I managed to create another. It's all better now (I hope). I will now go beat my head against the wall repeatedly.
Posted by Temporal at 2002/11/14 07:07:33 PST
2002/11/14 09:58:50 PST by Aetrus [0/15] |
That explains that at least :p Now tell why I can't change my avatar? I tried to, but the same Oakenfold picture I had before shows up. It would be nice if the pic showed up in my profile so I could tell if it changed instead of posting something to check.