I added automatic chat logging. Every 10 minutes, the last 10 minutes of conversation are added to the logs, which are accessible through the calendar in the sidebar of the chat page. Yay.
2005/03/01 05:51:40 PST by Temporal [manager] |
Bug: I accidentally included watchers in the log. They have user ID -1, which is not a valid index into the user table, which caused the logs to throw an exception when attempting to translate the ID into a user name for display. Woops. Fixed.
2005/03/01 05:57:52 PST by mystik3eb [0/43] |
I like how you gave the members of the chat the color they picked in their profile. Very nice touch.
2005/03/01 21:17:50 PST by OmegaMe [0/0] |
Howdy! So i know it's irrelevant here, but i figured I'd get seen...
I'm pretty interested in what going on here, so I'm curious...
I read a bunch of actions about images and archives of what you have for Fate of Io, but... Where is it now? 'cause that's the stuff i know and would be helping with if i could. I'd love to see what you've got and what you need. (characters?, monsters?, environments?)
I'd have to agree with a large amount of people I've seen here, this seems a little comatose... but it has prospects...
I'd love to help with image stuff; I know minimal code from a class two years ago of AP Computer Science AB (introductory java stuff) however the stuff you're doing here sounds above me. So most likely images is the only place I could help with, I'm decent at drawing and editing things in photoshop.
2005/03/01 21:25:38 PST by Temporal [manager] |
Hi! Sorry, a lot of the links are broken right now. I'm in the midst of rewriting the software behind this web site, see... Most of the text you see on this site right now is imported from the old site, and hasn't been updated yet because I'm not done with the rewrite yet. I expect this to take another week or two...
Unfortunately, all of the art and such is currently unavailable, and will probably remain unavailable until the rewrite is done. So, basically, check back in a couple weeks and it should all be there. Or stick around and help me test stuff as I add it. :)
Yes, the site has been comatose for a long time, but I wouldn't be rewriting it if I didn't want to change that. :) Dev and I hope to get the project moving again as soon as the new site is out of beta.
2005/03/02 01:00:59 PST by Dev [manager] |
(Dummy reply to test activity tracker.)
I'll test your activity tracker.
2005/03/02 02:55:03 PST by Temporal [manager] |
I'll test your activity tracker.
Indeed you will.
2005/03/03 21:24:35 PST by mystik3eb [0/43] |
Indeed you will.
Uhm. Yup. I did.
You two are awful silly.
2005/03/03 22:11:44 PST by Dev [manager] |
You two are awful silly.
Get it out now, while we're still in beta!
2005/03/04 10:16:42 PST by mystik3eb [0/43] |
Get it out now, while we're still in beta!
Ok. Silliness RULES!!!!
...alright, now that's just stupid. But hey...