Welcome to the new www.fateofio.org server! You probably wouldn't even notice the difference if I hadn't told you; all the data is still here and your user account has not changed. Read on for info about the server, as well as some things you need to watch for...
First, please note that until DNS gets updated, some links on this site won't work. This is because they point at www.fateofio.org, and this server is not www.fateofio.org yet. This shouldn't be too much of a problem, though, and will be fixed within a day or two.
There may also be some bugs, as I had to rewrite some stuff to get it to run on the new platform. However, never fear! If you get one of those nasty error pages, a detailed bug report will be e-mailed to me automatically! So, do not worry about sending me the contents of the error page. If you want to tell me what, exactly, you were doing when you got the error, that would be nice, but it's not necessary; I should be able to track down the bug based on the automatic report alone.
So, I'm sure you're all dying to know what's in the new setup! The most important thing is that the hardware running this site is now 100% mine. I own it, I control it. I am root (the god of unix). So, next time there are server problems, I will be able to fix them myself... although I don't expect to have many problems. ;)
The machine is an Athlon 1.1GHz with 512MB of RAM and 20GB hard drive space. It is running Red Hat Linux 8.0, a custom-compiled Linux kernel (v2.4.20), Apache 2.0 and Tomcat 4.1 for the web server and PostgreSQL 7.3 for the database. The whole thing is sitting on my friend's DSL line, which is actually pretty good for servers.
I do want to thank our old host, though. Gimpnet's flexibility and low price (zero) served us very well for a year and a half. I think Fate of Io has just outgrown it. We need out own space to do this project right, and now we have it.
Anyway... let's get to work!