Home -> The Project: Refers to the section as if discussions will occur, yet there is no way to post on any of the pages within...not anything super, it's just a change in this will avoid future confusion and maybe people going "it says we can talk here, but I can't post anywhere!"
Home -> The Project -> Introduction: Very very very minor note, really, but under "3" it says we've been around for over 2 years...quite a bit more than 2 years, isn't it? =)
Home-> The Project -> How to Use This Site -> Award System:
1. Under "Do not brag about points" it says "your points totals are displayed..." Either the word "points" should not be plural (just fits better) or the paragraph could change referring to the total from plural to singular, depending on how you wanna look at it. That's my take, at least.
2. Second to last paragraph, again is mispelt as "agian."
Home -> The Game -> Setting -> Groups -> Pylos Mining Corp.:
1. First paragraph: Titan continent (capitalize "continent?" Is "Titan Continent" its name, or is it just "Titan?").
2. First paragraph: "buniness" (business, I believe)
3. Second paragraph: "head-scrating" (scratching, I believe...lol)
Now to test links:
Home -> The Project -> Introduction: The link to Dev's profile goes to a "Not found" page
Home -> The Project -> Staff: The links to Dev and Temp go to the Home page (shouldn't they go to their profiles? Same issue as before)
Clicking on Home in the activity tracker goes back to the Activity Tracker (basically refreshes it) instead of actually going to "Home"...is this normal?
Home -> The Project -> How to Use This Site -> Award System: The link says "open tasks." For the sake of uniformity...shouldn't it be "current tasks?"
Home -> The Game -> Setting -> Groups -> Pylos Mining Crop.: None of the links work
This is my proofread of what's been updated thus far. And out of curiosity's sake, when will the official images for characters with official images be placed on their pages?
Added at 2005/04/14 00:43:49 PDT
Home -> The Project:
1. The link to "Introduction" is incorrect
2. Description of "Introduction": Maybe should say "join the project" instead of "join in the project."
3. Description of "How to Use This Site: "...to posts to..." Posting would flow better...*shrug*
Added at 2005/04/14 16:41:56 PDT
Home -> The Game -> Characters -> Player Characters -> Rheya: Second paragraph: "chuck of ore" (chunk [of eumonite?])