[02:23:34] mystik3eb joined.
[03:00:01] mystik3eb left.
[16:35:50] mystik3eb joined.
[17:42:01] Temporal joined.
[17:46:29] Temporal joined.
[17:47:00] Temporal left.
[17:48:15] mystik3eb: What causes that?
[17:48:48] Temporal: oh, I just joined twice because I was looking at the raw network communications. For some reason names are being ordered wrong...
[17:51:30] mystik3eb: That's not always the reason we can be in the chat room twice, though, right?
[17:51:48] Temporal: you can be logged in twice if you open two windows
[17:52:29] Temporal left.
[17:52:30] Temporal joined.
[17:53:02] mystik3eb: Why not make it so you can't join twice in one username?
[17:53:13] Temporal: why do that?
[17:53:21] Temporal joined.
[17:53:24] Temporal left.
[17:53:25] mystik3eb: I guess there's no reason
[17:53:54] mystik3eb: But if I were to hit refresh now, it would keep my first time logged in for a bit...
[17:53:58] mystik3eb: I never understood that
[17:54:02] Temporal: no it won't
[17:54:14] mystik3eb: It's done that to me before, at least
[17:54:25] Temporal: if you crash, it will take some time for it to figure out that the other end has died
[17:54:33] mystik3eb: Well, the reason I refreshed, though, was cuz it said the connection was lost, and it still kept me logged in
[17:54:37] mystik3eb: Oh ok
[17:54:42] Temporal: if you refresh, your browser should inform the server that it is disconnecting, then reload, then connect again
[17:55:06] Temporal: yeah, sometimes your side might detect that the connection is lost before the server does
[17:55:17] mystik3eb: But leaving the chat in other means (going ot another address, closing the window, etc) lets it know immediately I'm out, right
[17:55:22] Temporal: and then if you refreshed your browser would not have any way to inform the server that it was disconnecting
[17:55:45] Temporal: as long as you're still connected, it should always cleanly disconnect when you browse to another page, yes
[17:55:52] Temporal: or close the window
[17:55:56] mystik3eb: Alright, that all makes sense to me
[17:56:04] mystik3eb: It's so nice when things click, lol
[17:58:48] Temporal left.
[17:58:49] Temporal joined.
[17:58:52] Temporal: there we go
[17:59:56] Temporal: users on the list are supposed to be ordered by current score. :P
[18:01:13] Temporal: hey, if you want to help, you could proofread all that stuff I wrote today. -_-
[18:11:45] Temporal went away.
[18:19:13] mystik3eb: I'll do that later
[18:19:20] mystik3eb went away: gone
[18:26:39] Temporal left.
[23:23:42] mystik3eb returned.
[23:23:49] mystik3eb: Well I guess I'll get started on that now