Edited at 2005/02/24 18:08:48 PST
Live chat! (But hit F5 before you click that.)
Please let me know how well this runs in your browser. I'm running it decently in Firefox, although it sometimes crashes if I refresh enough. Dev reports that Firefox froze outright for him when trying to use it. Internet Explorer and Opera both seem to do a much better job with this one.
Note that Java often takes a hella long time to start on any browser, so make sure you wait at least 15 seconds before concluding that it crashed.
Also, please let me know if the beep feature works. For me, the sound only plays about once every 15-30 tries, but it seems to be a problem with my version of Java. Dev reports that it always works for him. (To test the beep feature, click the first checkbox then type "/beep".)