Fate of Io
Last updated at 2005/10/18 23:41:21 PDT by Temporal


(Original art by Gilgath, colored by Dev)

Age: 17
Race: Protean
Occupation: Protean Princess
Height: 5'6"
Hair: Blonde (Long bangs and thick long ponytail)
Eye: Lavender
Weapon type: Rapier

Brooke has grown up as a princess, although we don't know this at first. Eventually, she will inherit the leading position on the Protean Council. For all the official and diplomatic expectations placed upon her, Brooke still likes having fun and getting dirty.

She is energetic and spirited, but also selfish. Early on, she doesn't ask Ko to accompany her back to her homeland; she demands it. Fortunately for her, Ko does not have the will to argue at the time, and is quite used to being ordered around.

Not long after we meet her, Brooke gains a significant amount of responsibility. She is granted the power of the Proteans, but she can only use it when she deems it is absolutely necessary. This leads her to look at the world in a different way. The world is no longer there to serve her; she is there to serve the world.

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